
Thursday 28 May 2020


Today I have been learning how to embed a slide on to my blog. and what I enjoyed was that it was about where I wanted to go, which was at the beach having fun and having a good day.

Wednesday 27 May 2020


Today we are learning about Emotions. 

I am Angry that some times when I am at school people don't listen to me.
I get so annoyed when my brother tries to play with me at home.
I feel so Angry when my friends try to trick me.
I feel so grumpy when my Teacher dose hard work.

I feel glad to be back at school again.
I feel so happy when I spend my time after school with my family at home.
I feel so positive when I play with my friends.
I feel so joyful when I'm with my teacher.

I'm so ashamed that people at school think that I'm stuped.
I'm so Bored when I'm not at school some times.
I'm so sad when I'm not with my friends.
I'm so Tired when my teacher teachesBored things.